This site is a
continuation of
Data 1
which covered startup and selected data from 1989 to 1999.
Data 2
provides selected data from 2000 to 2006. For a complete listing of
all meet results click on
Any file in this
site can be accessed directly by clicking on the desired file listed within
the top border.
References are made to schools or teams using codes.
School Codes
Bay: Bayard
IHM: Immaculate Heart of Mary
SJB: St. John the Beloved
CC: Corpus Christi
Ind: Independence School
SMat: St. Matthew's
CCA: Cecil County Academy
JBM: John Bennett Moore
SMM: St. Mary Magdalen
Chip: Chipman JHS
Mil: Milford Middle School
Smy: Smyrna JHS
COC: Christ Our King
Post: Postlewait Middle School
Spr: Springer JHS
CRJH: Caesar Rodney JHS
RLC: Red Lion Christian Acad.
SS: Seashore Striders
CTT: Christ The Teacher
Red: Redding Middle School
Stan: Stanton JHS
DD: Delaware Diamonds
SAnt: St. Anthony
ST: St. Thomas
Fifer: Fifer Middle School
SE: St. Elizabeth
Tal: Talley JHS
For: Forwood JHS
Seaf: Seaford JHS
Tome: Tome
GR: George Read
SEd: St. Edmond's Academy
U: Ursuline Academy
HA: Holy Angels
SH: St. Hedwig
Welch: Welch Elementary
HC: Holy Cross
Shue: Shue Middle School
WC: Wilmington Christian
HR: Holy Rosary
SJA: St. Joseph's, Aston